Testimonials from Volunteers
  • Your program helped many of our students express their concerns

    Thanks for your program. I truly think it helped many of our students express their concerns. All too often I see students at a loss and have no one to talk to. This day gave them a chance to talk about the things that never get said, but should. Thanx for everything. (

  • Your program have given hope and a way out to many

    Not much can be said about the now two experiences I’ve had with you. First off I would like to thank you for what you are doing. Your program have given hope and a way out to many. Without discussing these issues, people suffering would never know they are not alone. You truly ...

  • I enjoyed Quest I’m On very much

    I enjoyed Quest I’m On very much. I found that my group was very open and felt comfortable sharing their feelings. I enjoyed sharing my stories and views, and believe that they were welcome in my group. Thank you for allowing everyone open up and express themselves comfortably. (original message)Scott (Facilitator) age ...

  • My second time going through this experience

    This is my second time going through this experience, and it has touched me both times. I know what was to be expected due to my previous experience. What I didn’t realize was how many people within my own school it had touched and how many people feel unsafe. The hardest thing for ...

  • It still had a huge impact on me

    Being a leader for this time through, I had different expectations and responsibilities but it still had a huge impact on me. For instance, I wasn’t expecting my younger peers to open up as much as they did and I was able to realize that even with the age difference, we all experience ...

  • I’ve been in this workshop 3 times and I still love it

    I’ve been in this workshop 3 times and I still love it. Being with peers, and as a leader, the things I learn are incomparable. I honestly want to keep doing this as long as I live. My group today connected and participated. This girl Samantha is so strong and I want not ...

  • Be exciting to see the possible changes this school can make

    Once again, as mentioned yesterday, it was great to see the process in action. The group I was apart of showed some great insight and generated some great discussions that will, if followed through, be exciting to see the possible changes this school can make. (original message)

    Student (Facilitator) ...