January 13, 2021
This leadership workshop was one of the best experiences I’ve had
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, My name is L. Graham. As a former
We really hit the root of the problem today
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Dear Jack, I've gone to a couple of other leadership
Today was definitely a learning experience for everybody
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Today was definitely a learning experience for everybody.
It made me think about my life
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Today we learned many different things about leadership
Made me think and value myself even more
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Dear Jack, Thank you for coming to our school! I
We will take lessons back and put them in effect in our lives
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Dear Jack, Thank you so much for coming to Madonna!
Today I have found my inner self
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Thank you for teaching me how to become
Thanks a lot
By jvc | |
Thanks a lot & I hope to see you again
I learnt a lot about me
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Dear Jack, Thank you so very much for all that
It made me realize what I needed to do
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, I wasn't here for the whole day, but
I promise to be more caring, loving and welcoming
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Dear Jack, Thank you so much for this experience... though
I learned that if we need help we have to ask
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Dear Jack, Thank you for this amazing activities. They really
It brought us together
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Dear Jack, Thank you so much for today. We met
Today you helped me very much
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Thank you for today. Today you helped me
Thank you so very much for this
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, I thank you for doing this leadership program
Brought me a step closer to finding out who I am
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Thank you for such an amazing day. I
I never expected to actually learn anything about myself or my peers
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Dear Jack, To be completely honest, I thought this day
You helped me put myself in another person’s shoe
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Dear Jack, I am really glad that I took this
This experience today has been life changing
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, This experience today has been life changing. I
You made a real difference in my life
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, I want to say thank you so much
Thank you for this great opportunity
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, I really enjoyed your leadership workshop. I feel
I want to change what goes on at school
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Thanks for the fun day. You made me
I learned to be a better listener and a better leader
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Thank you for today. I enjoyed it. I
I’ve learned many things of becoming a leader
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Dear Jack, Thank you for the workshop you did for
I know I won’t forget today and change will happen
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Dear Jack, I would like to thank you for a
If this day had never existed…
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Dear Jack, Today I met a lot of people and
This was an amazing day
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Thank you so much Jack, this was an
This leadership session has taught me a lot
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Thank you for today. It was really fun
I learned who I really was & all my faults
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Today's class has taught me a lot. I
Today you taught me how to help people
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Today you taught me how to help people
This taught me to improve
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Today was a great experience overall for me
You encouraged us to dig deep and open up
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Today was great. Really. You encouraged us to
Thank you for teaching us what true leadership is
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Dear Jack, First of all, I want to thank you
I feel so determined to face all my challenges in my life
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Dear Jack, Thank you for everything you taught us. Most
We all learned something today
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Dear Jack, Your workshop was a very good experience for
Thank you for all the things you taught us
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Dear Jack, Thank you for all the things you taught
I felt that there were things in me that I need to change
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Dear Jack, Thank you for this leadership workshop. It was
Thank you for this day
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, I thank you for this day. It is
A brand new attitude towards being kind
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Dear Jack, Thank you for this amazing experience. It has
It was inspirational and fun filled
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Thank you for today. It was inspirational and
This workshop has made it possible for me to make new friends
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Dear Jack, Thank you for today because I got to
I wish I can take a workshop like this again
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I would like to start off by saying thank you
Make us realize that at some point we can be leader
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Thank you for coming here in Madonna school. Thanks for
You have made me learn new thing and make new friends
By jvc | |
Thank you for today. You have made me learn new
I had the best time here
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Dear Jack, When I first walked in, I thought we
You showed us how to work together
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Dear Jack, Thank you for this experience, it really opened
It wasn’t boring at all
By jvc | |
Hi Jack, I really enjoyed this leadership workshop! It wasn't
I had tons of fun and learned a lot today
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Thank you very much for this awesome day!
I learned to trust, to accept and to forgive others
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Dear Jack, This was a very emotional experience and I
I learned a lot today
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Dear Jack, Thank you for this DAY! For letting us
Everything I learned today will be very useful
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Everything I learned today will be very useful. I can
It also made me trust people more
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Dear Jack, Thank you for the experience I had. I
You/this workshop showed me that I have to be thankful
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Dear Jack, Thank you very much for giving up your
It allowed me to communicate better with my peers
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Dear Jack, What I most enjoyed about this workshop is
This improved my communication skills a lot
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Dear Jack, Thank you for coming to help us throughout
I truly think we made a difference
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Dear Jack, I would like to thank you for firstly
I appreciate it a lot
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Dear Jack, I really want to thank you for coming
The workshops were decent and fun
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Dear Jack, First off, thank you for taking your time
The experience was successful and has affected many of the students
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Dear Jack, This experience with the younger students was interesting
Made us respect one another
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Dear Jack, First foremost, I wanna say thank you for
Thank you for the work that opened us to think beyond
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Dear Jack, Thank you for working with us on this
It does really help a lot of students
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Dear Jack, I would like to thank you for this
I think you are of the coolest older person I’ve met
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Dear Jack, I think you are of the coolest older
You helped me be a better man
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Dear Jack, I had a really nice time for the
It was a great life lesson
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Dear Jack, I thank you for this wonderful experience. It
Without you, I wouldn’t be more open to my feelings
By jvc | |
Dear Jack, Thank you (for) this experience. Without you, I